Tuesday 21 July 2020

Affirmations for Parents Update

I have started adding links to other people's blogs about affirmations for parents.  I find some of these resources very helpful, and I think you will, too. Go here for affirmations for parents, and for resources for using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with children. 

Being a parent is a challenging job, as I’m sure you know. It is hard to get right, and ever so easy – and dangerous - to get wrong.

As a parent, you have the opportunity to help your children grow into happy, healthy adults who contribute to others and lead satisfying lives.

Parenting in the 21st century can be complicated and confusing. As a Transformational Growth Consultant and former child, I have worked with hundreds of parents and other former children. I have seen the effects poor parenting have had, and the damage it has done, and I know that there are many parents and children who are stressed, anxious, suffering and in pain right now. I have written Affirmations for Parents to help you be the kind of parent you want to be.

Affirmations are powerful tools to help you improve your life and your relationships with your children and yourself.

This is about you taking control of your life and your relationship with your child/ren.

The messages we receive repeatedly, on a daily basis, are the ones that have the most profound effect on our thoughts and emotions, and on our lives.

We are responsible for the thoughts, the words, the pictures that inhabit our minds. Other people give us messages all the time. And if we receive these messages over and over again, repeatedly, they take up residence in our minds. They move in!  And they live there. They inhabit our minds.

The more we have positive thoughts, beliefs and attitudes rolling around in our heads, the more easily we can create positive results for ourselves and our families. 

Please share this with your networks and please leave your comments below. Thanks.  

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