Tuesday 12 June 2018

Transform Your Life with Nonviolent Communication

This book has changed my life, and is changing people's lives all over the world. I find Nonviolent Communication SO inspiring. It is about connecting from the heart, in any situation, including situations of extreme violence.

For lots more information about NVC, and NVC resources, see the links below.

One thing I really appreciate about the book Nonviolent Communication is that the author, Marshall Rosenberg, gives lots of real-life examples of people using NVC in their daily lives.

When someone does or says something we don't like, we tend to react. We either judge them, blame them or label them, or a combinaion of the three. In NVC, this is called “jackal speech”.

Nonviolent Communication explains that jackal language is always an indication of unmet needs. Needs are the most important things to us – needs are what connect us to life. Thus, Marshall Rosenberg calls NVC “a language of life”.

Our feelings about ourselves are reflected in the way we speak about ourselves.

Blaming and labelling, or “jackal speech”, is not just directed at other people. We can, and do, jackal about ourselves as well. If you hear yourself saying something along the lines of “I'm so stupid”, this is an example of a self-jackal.

When we start to connect with the unmet needs that lie beneath the surface, we can stop being so angry with ourselves and others. This is the aspect of my NVC practice, and this book, that has affected me most profoundly. This powerful method frees up a lot of joy, energy and self-love. Marshall Rosenberg says, “What would make your life more wonderful?”.

When we have the practical skills which allow us to communicate from the heart, we can transform our relationships with family, loved ones, work colleagues, etc. We can prevent the terrible violence on the streets that our societies are currently experiencing. With the skills NVC gives us, we can transform our world.

I could say a lot more about NVC, but I strongly advise you to read the book. It could change your life.

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For more about NVC, see:

For even more about NVC, see these interviews with NVC authors:

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