Thursday 4 November 2021

Review of Twin Flames Exposed

I usually review books about which I am wildly enthusiastic.  This one, not so much.

If you are suffering or struggling in a twin flames relationship, Twin Flames Exposed is NOT going to help you to get together with your twin flame, or help you to sort out your twin flames relationship. 



This book seeks to debunk some of the myths surrounding twin flames and twin flames relationships. 


Some common myths are, for example,

  • in twin flames relationships, there is always a “runner” and a “chaser”;  
  • you and your twin flame have to heal, or clear your karma in order to be together; and 
  • you will recognise your twin flame as soon as you meet for the first time.


I have not bought into most of these myths, so they I did not need to have them debunked. The only one I was really interested in was the one about healing. Apparently, you don’t have to in order to unite with your twin flame.


One thing I found slightly confusing was that she puts one version of the myth in the table of contents and a different, opposite version when you get to the chapter. So, for example: 


Table of Contents: You Might Not Know When You Meet Your Twin Flame

Chapter heading: You will know without a doubt when you meet your twin flame 


Table of Contents: Twin Flames and Soul Mates Are Not the Same Thing

Chapter heading: Twin Flames and Soul Mates are different words for the same thing 


The chapters listed in the Table of Contents are stating the truth, according to the author. The chapter headings are called “limiting beliefs”, which actually helps. 


The book is printed in really big type and has just a few chapters, so it is a quick read. The final chapter is called “The Process”. However, she does not describe or reveal the process of uniting with your twin flame – you have to buy the next book, apparently called The Process, to get the information. Unfortunately, The Process does not appear to be available anywhere other than directly from the author – at a cost of hundreds of pounds.  


And anyway, you cannot unite with your twin flame, as you are already one - i.e., two halves of the same soul. I think that’s what she is saying. 


If you believe one or more of the myths about twin flame relationships, maybe you will find this book useful. 


Altogether, a very disappointing read. 


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