Thursday 22 November 2018

Reality Transurfing: Pendulums Explained

I have only recently come across the Reality Transurfing principles and actions.  I love it when I find out something new that can be beneficial for us, and I love sharing it with people who can appreciate it.  

This video on Pendulums makes a lot of sense to me.  Pendulums are energies that come together because different people are thinking the same thoughts at the same time.  The more people buy into a particular pendulum, the stronger it becomes. 

I remember thinking this around the time of the new millennium.  The new millennium started in the year 2001, but most people celebrated it at the beginning of 2000.  This will have greatly influenced the planet and all of us on this planet. 

Add to this, Buddhists do not worship any god, or Jesus, or Christ, or a Saviour, whatever you want to call it.  But we still recognised the year 2000 as the beginning of the new millennium.  That is the influence of the Pendulums, or group mentality. 

What is interesting to me is that he says Pendulums are always negative and destructive.  To me, what he is talking about is what Buddhists call "group mentality".  This means fitting in, going along with the crowd, herd mentality, etc.  Rather than owning your own values with integrity, i.e. being an individual. 

So recognising 2000 as the new millennium is not necessarily destructive, and therefore may be a bad example of a Pendulum.  But it is an example of group mentality and how thoughtforms influence all of us. 

I agree with what he is saying - avoid stimulants and tune in to your intuition.  That is how to be an individual - to be true to your own values with integrity. 

You can also find Pendulums that support your values and your goals.  

I am going to continue to learn more about Reality Transurfing, and I will keep blogging about this. 

Please leave your comments below, and please share this with your networks.  Thanks.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Money Makes the World Go Around?

No, it doesn't.  But it stokes the engine and oils the wheels. 

Money and our personal access to resources affects us in all sorts of ways.  Lack of money can affect our self-esteem, i.e. how we feel about ourselves.  Where we can afford to live, what kinds of holidays we can have, even, in some parts of the world (including Britain), whether or not our families will eat today. 

Miki Kashtan argues that the ways we exchange money and resources can be changed by applying empathy.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a world in which everyone has plenty, everyone has access to abundant resources, rather than some people accumulating vast resources and others having nothing? 

It is possible to redress this imbalance.  And Miki gives examples from her own experience.  Check out her blog posts: 

Restoring Flow and Natural Abundance; and

Restoring Flow and Natural Abundance Continued.

Please leave your comments below, and please share this with your networks.  Thanks. 

Go here for Parts 1-4 and all of the other blogs from The Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2018. 

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Miki Kashtan: Restoring Flow and Natural Abundance, Continued

In this final part of her blog series, Miki Kashtan continues to explore how we can share resources in ways that encourage connection and are based on empathy.  She describes her experience of the challenges and the joys of working in this way. 

One opportunity for deep transformation emerged from all of us aiming to use money to serve only needs that are truly about sustainability, and not as a substitute for needs that are somehow related to recognition and indirectly to “deserve.” This helps us restore the direct connection between need and resources, instead of mediating it through conceptual structures that reinforce separation and justify scarcity. It was instructive for all to see how many times people slipped into the old ways, and the degree of transformation for them and the group when I invited everyone again into full awareness.

In our team two people had asked for nothing because they are OK financially. Someone pushed just under $1,000 toward one of them, knowing she has an upcoming transition that was stressful for her. And, bit by bit, she pushed it all toward others. She had been profoundly affected by the entire process, from the moment we began, within the team, to examine how much each of us would ask for initially. By the time of the money pile, she had gotten into the trust that, if and when she needs it, somehow it will come to her. Since she didn’t need it then, she wanted it to go to those who did.

At a certain point, money started flowing with the larger group, too. First, money exited our group and was being pushed toward participants, in support of their needs. Then, person after person joined the circle and pushed money, from the pile in the center or from what was already in front of someone, toward someone who needed it, sometimes first adding more money to the pile from their own pockets. Some of it happened directly, and some indirectly. For example, one team member took some of the money in front of him and asked anyone who knew someone else who needed money to take that money and give it to that person. In another moment, I asked people who came from Guatemala, working in difficult circumstances implementing restorative justice, if they needed money for their work.

They looked at each other and said no, and I trusted them. This moment stands out to me, because it offered them the knowledge that their needs mattered and yet that money was then available to give to another community. It seemed as if there would be no end to more money being generated. Even though the overall amounts beyond the initial request were relatively small, the experience of the amount of money growing and growing through generosity and solidarity was nurturing and healing an old collective wound of mistrust.

An entire other theme was working out the challenge that so many women have about asking for money. One woman on the team who’d been really challenged about asking for an amount of money to support her sustainability took some money from the pile, put it on the extra chair, and invited any woman for whom it’s hard to ask for money to come and pull it toward herself, so she would have companionship in this stretching. More and more women then came forward and stretched themselves to do this, and others stretched to give beyond their comfort zone.

Through all of this, we left behind notions of scarcity or transaction, and we fully entered the flow of life. A third of the people were in tears by the end. Several people told me that seeing this process put everything they had learned over eight days into more clarity. Given how long it was, and how far it stretched, I was vividly reminded of the Hanukah oil lasting eight days or the story of Jesus feeding multitudes of people with one loaf of bread. Maybe a better metaphor would be that the money became like a culture that keeps making more and more dough possible. True abundance.

I wonder if something as profoundly based in solidarity and community could have happened in any of the global North countries in which I also teach. Solidarity and generosity are born by knowing that we need each other. When we live isolated, fully transactional lives that give us the illusion that we don’t “need” each other because we have money, we lose out on the possibility of knowing that our lives depend on each other, that we are never separate from others, and that, when in need, if we are part of a community, mutual generosity can be, once again, a way of life. 

Go here for Parts 1, 2 and 3 and all of the other blogs from The Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2018. 
Please leave your comments below, and please share this with your networks.  Thanks. 

Monday 19 November 2018

How to Manifest What You Want

Secrets of Manifestation
What kind of year do you want to have in 2019?

Click here to read about how I manifested what I wanted - money, work and relationships.

See also:  How to Be Brilliant at Manifesting.  

I can help you to manifest what you want, too. 

Go here for a free consultation.  

Happy holidays. Wishing you all the best for 2019.

Miki Kashtan: Restoring Flow and Natural Abundance

In this third part of her blog series, Miki Kashtan continues to explore how we can share resources in ways that encourage connection and are based on empathy.  She describes her experience of the challenges and the joys of working in this way.  

Recently, I’ve been to Mexico City, leading three back-to-back workshops on topics of collaboration, leadership, and social transformation. It was clear to me that I would want to engage in a Financial Co-Responsibility process with the organizing team along the lines described in my previous post.

Central to what Dominic teaches about the Financial Co-Responsibility process is that we develop its specific forms locally, based on a system of agreements between all involved. When gleaned from what works in our local contexts, this supports a positive mutual influencing of the conditions in which we live, and our iterative efforts evolve the process over time. In this first iteration in Mexico, what I invited my colleagues into was based on years of experimenting with various forms of gift economy, most recently specifically influenced by Dominic’s approach. One of the limitations is that my local colleagues and I didn’t actually develop a system together; I was simply asking them to accept a process that I’ve used previously in other contexts, which then began to be organically adapted, as you will see below.

The organizing team accepted, with exquisite grace, my invitation to this experiment, without having previously done anything like it. They went on blind faith.

They told me later that they worked about 4 times as hard as they would have if they’d been organizing the event using the familiar transactional way. They decided what their limits of risk were and operated fully within them, asking most people to pay equally for the basic costs because it was too much risk for them. Even for this part, they did invite some people to come without paying for their food and space rental share.

Had I known how much stress the organizers lovingly accepted, I might have halted the experiment, much to everyone’s loss, because so much was made possible on account of their willingness, and then that of the entire group. First, about 20 of the 110 or so people who participated in the events were women from several Latin American countries working with marginalized or vulnerable communities. Would they have come if there had been a fixed price? It seems unlikely. Then, the entire experience of collecting and distributing money was a small taste of what the world could be like if nonviolent principles were applied globally to economics.

Because people were coming and going between the different events, and because of the way that we collected the money, we didn’t know until hours before the end how much money we would have. Up until then, the organizers were still anxious about whether all people would convert their pledges to money. Then, by the time the money pile started, we were able to celebrate together that we had all we had asked for.

Once we knew how much we had, we created a circle at the center for the organizing and training team and an empty chair for anyone from the larger community to come into the circle and participate. And then the process went on for about two hours until we were all done. Every moment contributed to sustainability for many who needed it (well beyond the original event team), meaning, transformation, trust, connection, and a palpable sense of possibility. Even a little bit of seeming magic: when the process ended, all of us on the team received more or less what we asked for, through many circuitous pathways, and several other people in the community received entirely unexpected small amounts of money in support of their own or their communities’ needs in addition. In the next post, I share some snippets from how this came to be.