Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Talk to Yourself Like This for Just 3 Days - Joe Dispenza Motivation

I love this post by Joe Dispenza.  He explains it so clearly.  When we change our thoughts, we change our body's chemistry and our brain's structure.  The brain creates new neural pathways and we change the way our DNA expresses itself.  


Changing our thoughts is a very powerful practice.  It is difficult and challenging at first, and Joe Dispenza explains why.  


For more about we can improve our results, check out my audio:  How to Get the Results You Want.  

and download my FREE ebook Secrets of Manifestation.


And remember, you are powerful beyond your imagination.  


Please share and please post your comments below.  Thanks.  



Monday, 2 December 2024

Poem: A School Shooting


We have been privileged to publish some very powerful poetry over the years in the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence.   Today, we have this poem, "A School Shooting", by Jo Anne Meekins.  

Please comment below and please share this with your networks.   

Go here for more from the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2024.  

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

The Interfaith Forum on Nonviolence and Peace

Please join us on Zoom for
The Interfaith Forum on Nonviolence and Peace.  


This forum will be held on Saturday 19th October at 3 pm Eastern Time, 8 pm UK time.  It will be part of the Month of Nonviolence 2024 and the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2024, and will be included in those events.


Different religions, spiritual traditions and faiths feature teachings about nonviolence and peace. With the current state of the world, we all need a little more inspiration.

Please share this with your networks. Thanks. 

Go here for more info

Go here for more from the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2024.  



What Can We Learn From the World’s Most Peaceful Societies?

















      Today, I am pleased to share this fascinating article on What Can We Learn From the World’s Most Peaceful Societies?  


Despite all the violence currently erupting, here are many societies in the world today where people live together in harmony.  That's because they have learned how to do it.  They have developed methods and strategies for creating and maintaining nonviolence and peace. 


Peace and harmony don't just happen.  People choose to behave in particular ways that bring about peace.  


The study looked at nonviolent societies as well as peaceful ones [I'm wondering whether there is a difference].  


According to this article, most researchers, including the UN, tend to study how to keep war and conflict at bay, rather than at how to sustain peace and nonviolence.  


The study looked at peace and nonviolence at the individual level, the "meso" level of family and community, and the "macro" level of peace and harmony within societies and between and among different societies. 

 This study observed many different factors, including, for example, on the "meso" level, 

  • The degree to which parenting styles stress warmth, caring and nurturing; 
  • The ratio of high positivity-to-negativity in parenting; and 
  •  The degree to which subordinate identity groups unify across differences. 

These are just a few of the many factors that were observed.  I strongly encourage you to have a look at this article.  


It says:  

Peace is not just an absence of violence and war, but also people and groups getting along prosocially with each other: the cooperation, sharing, and kindness that we see in everyday society.


When we can bring about peace within ourselves and within our homes and our communities, we are much more likely to bring about peace on a wider scale.  


What have you observed about the thinking and behaviours that can lead to peace within our homes and within society?  Please comment below. 


Go here for more from the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2024.  

Thursday, 29 August 2024

How to Manifest What You Want


This is another brilliant video from Joe Dispenza. He explains how important it is to feel the feelings and emotions associated with what we desire.  Feel as if we have already achieved or received it.  


I really like his work because he explains things in a way that is simple and straightforward, and yet what he is sharing is profound.  


One of the emotions he suggests it is important for us to cultivate is gratitude.   I recently added a gratitude meditation to my free ebook, Secrets of Manifestation.  Go here to download it now.  It can help you to experience gratitude.   

See also:  Speak to Yourself Like This for 3 Days.   


What results have you achieved with your manifestations?  Please post below.  


Saturday, 10 August 2024

Speak To Yourself LIKE THIS For 3 DAYS - Joe Dispenza Motivation

Your words have power.  They can lift you up or drag you down. Your thoughts shape your reality.  It's time to become your own best friend, your own cheerleader.  And my Self-Love Affirmation Cards can help with that.  With this bundle, you get 90 affirmation cards - that's twice as many. 


Affirmations are a way of rewiring your brain, creating new neural pathways.  So it will feel uncomfortable at first.  But stick with it.  The rewards can be tremendous.  


Using affirmations takes effort.  It takes commitment.  But it is worth it.  And using affirmation cards really helps to make it easier and more enjoyable.  


Speak to yourself like someone who believes in you completely!  For the next three days, flood your mind with positive thoughts.  


See also:  What Are Affirmations?  


Tuesday, 16 July 2024

UK Young People Crippled by Student Debt

According to this article, students in the UK are being saddled with upwards of £50,000 worth of student debt.  1.8 million students owe £50,000 or more in student debt.  60,000 owe more than £100,000, and some even owe more than £200,000.   


If you are a student or the parent of a student, and would like to avoid student debt, you need to download my ebook Shaking the Money Tree today. 


I published Shaking the Money Tree some years ago, when student loans were first introduced in the UK and then trebled under the Conservative-led coalition, headed by David Cameron and the then Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.  I felt strongly that young people in Britain had been betrayed, as Clegg had promised during his election campaign to scrap student loans.  He  obviously reneged on his promise.  


Of course, in the U.S., tuition fees are far higher than those in the UK.  In the U.S., student debt has been a fact of life, causing stress and pain, for many years. According to this article, student debt has been linked to financial instability, as well as problem drinking and mental health issues. 

The experts I interviewed in Shaking the Money Tree give detailed instructions on how to raise finance for your education. 


Download Shaking the Money Tree today, as I'll be increasing the price soon. At present, it still only costs US$5.  

See also:  What Martin Lewis Doesn't Want You to Know.